Sermon Archives
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Who are we that God should even think or care about us as mere mortal beings? Join us this Sunday as we continue our journey with Job and seek the answer.
This Sunday’s message is focused on Job’s question, “Is not all human life a struggle?” After what he had suffered and lost, who could blame Job for asking such a question? Join us this Sunday as we discover seven truths that can help us work through our trials and come out on the winning side.
Is it ever right to listen to the advice or opinions of others as they speak to us from the voice of their experience and observations in life? Join us this Sunday as we continue our journey through the book of Job and look for the answer.
There are countless voices in the world that clamor for our attention and we must decide whose voice we are going to listen to. Join us this Sunday as we continue our series on Job.
The book of Job is a book of questions and one of the main questions it leaves us to ponder is: “Can God trust me to honor and worship Him in the midst of my suffering and pain even if He gives no explanations or rational reasons for it?” You’re welcome to join us this Sunday as we begin a new sermon series on the life of Job.